Excerpts from
Attaining Your Desires (By Letting Your Subconscious Mind Work for You) by Genevieve Behrend Order in Adobe PDF eBook form for $4.95 or click here to order from Amazon.com Book
The clearest, most comprehensive, most practical, most do-able explanation of how the Creative Process works. The writing is in dialogue form, between a "Sage" and a "Pupil." The Sage is a famous author and teacher; the Pupil is you. It is very easy reading, very tightly written, and very enlightening. While many teachers remind us that we have the power to change our lives, few of them explain it so clearly as this book reveals.
It is my purpose to tell you in
little book. I desire to crystallize the heart-coinings of my revered
master, Judge Thomas T. Troward, as reflected through the mirror of my
mind and soul. I have adopted as my means of expression, the dialogue
style, familiar to all students of that greatest of all speculative
philosophers, Plato. I am convinced, through years of study of this
almost superhuman mind, that this literary form is the one most nearly
calculated to convey the most subtle shades of meaning, the richest
depth of soul-sounding. What I wish particularly to convey to you within these pages is the method of scientific right thinking, and to awaken in you the desire to try to use this method in order to form the habit of thinking ONLY the thoughts you wish to see crystallized in a worthy achievement or result. In addition, I want to direct your thoughts toward a better understanding of that Spirit of God, or Good, which points the way to the roseate dawn of a new civilization. The rapidity with which the ideas of man are changing causes humanity to realize that this new civilization is already manifesting itself through a clearer understanding of the relation between man and his Maker. The epochal keynote of the present generation is that mind is the kingdom in which man reigns supreme. As the poet says, "A brute I might have been, but I would not sink I' the scale." In endeavoring to make conscious use of thought-power, causing it to produce desired material results, mankind is beginning to understand the indispensability of absolute control. My chief idea in sending forth this message is to make it easier for you to live in hourly consciousness that you have been given dominion over every adverse circumstance and condition which may arise. The conscious use of the creative power of thought to protect and guide you, as well as to provide for you, is only attainable through understanding the "natural relations between mental action and material conditions." Your reading of these lessons should be with a steadfast determination to think rationally and effectively on every word, in order that the full meaning of each thought may be thoroughly grasped and comprehended. Thought-power is the kingdom of God in us, always creating results in our physical forms corresponding to our normal sustained thought. As Troward has said, "Thought is the only action of the mind. By your habitual thoughts you create corresponding external physical conditions, because you thereby create the nucleus which attracts to itself its own correspondence, in due order, until the finished work is manifested on the material plane." This is the principle upon which we shall proceed to work out a simple and rational basis of thought and action whereby we may bring into outer expression any desired goal. Let us work together to this end. G.B.
TROWARD - PHILOSOPHER AND SAGE One of the really great minds and souls of modern times -- and indeed of any time -- was Thomas Troward, late Divisional Judge of the Punjab, India. Of his writings, the late William James of Harvard said, "Far and away the ablest statement of that psychology that I have ever met, beautiful in its sustained clearness of thought and style, a really classic statement." The Boston Transcript editorially stated, "The author reveals himself as easily the profoundest thinker we have ever met on this subject." The late Archdeacon Wilberforce, when writing to Troward, signed himself, "Your grateful pupil." Responding to the many requests
Troward's friends and admirers for a more intimate glimpse of this
great man, I am pleased to present to you a few phases of his daily
life as I saw them while studying with him. These may be all the more
interesting because of the fact that I enjoyed the unique privilege of
being the only pupil to whom he ever gave personal instruction. When his studies were completed,
Troward went up to London for the Indian Civil Service examination, a
very stiff one, which he passed with high credit. He returned to India
at the age of twenty-two in the capacity of Assistant Commissioner. An
incident which occurred during the course of his examination
foreshadowed the trend of the life that was to replace the regulation
judicial During Troward's career in India
official work kept him very busy. His recreation was often spent with
canvas, paints and brushes. He was an artist of no mean ability,
especially in marine subjects, and had won several prizes at art
exhibits in England. He loved to study the tombs of sacred Indian lore,
or the scriptures of the Hebrews and of other ancient peoples. While
studying these When relieved of his burdensome official duties in the Indian Court, he returned to England, where a manuscript of some hundred folios slowly came into existence. At that time he had no knowledge of Mental Science, Christian Science, New Thought, or any of the "isms" of modern thought. His views were the result of solitary meditation and a deep study of the scriptures. The first edition of the now famous "Edinburgh Lectures" was published in 1904. It was received with the almost unanimous opinion that its value could not be over-estimated, as was true of his subsequent volumes. "Bible Mystery and Bible Meaning" proved especially attractive to churchmen. His books, by sheer worth, have found their way almost all over the world. In the United States alone, more than 50,000 copies have been sold. Perhaps no one was more astonished at their warm reception than their simple-hearted, fun-loving author. An Intimate Description His manner was simple and natural, and he exemplified a spirit of moderation in all things. I never saw him impatient or heard him express an unkind word, and with his family he was always gentle and considerate. He seemed to depend entirely upon Mrs. Troward for the household management. Only in the intimacy of his home did he entirely reveal his charming geniality and radiating friendship. His after-dinner manner was one of quiet levity and a twinkling humor. He would enter into the conversations or parlor games of the family with the spirit of a boy. He did not care for public amusements. One evening, after an excellent
of soup, joint of lamb, vegetables, salad, dessert, and wine, he rolled
a cigarette, and, to my great surprise, offered it to me with the
query, "Do you smoke?" Receiving a negative reply, he began to smoke it
himself. Noticing my poorly concealed expression of surprise, he
remarked, "Why should you be shocked at anything which you can thank
God Although Troward did not indulge
outdoor sports, he loved nature, and would sit for hours by the sea
with his sketch-book, or tramp the lonely moors in solitary meditation.
He said there were times when he obtained his best inspirations while
walking in the open. He often invited me to go with him, although
frequently he seemed to be unconscious of my presence, being entirely
absorbed in his own thoughts. It may be interesting to recall that such authorities as Barnett and the new American Encyclopedia, in their biography of Socrates, mention similar trancelike experiences of his. While serving in the Greek army, Socrates suddenly found his feet seemingly rooted to the earth, where he remained in a trance for twenty-four hours. He awakened with a spiritual knowledge that transformed his life, and, later, the lives of many others. The similarity of the life of this Athenian philosopher to that of Troward is that both relied chiefly upon intuition and common sense for their theory and system of living. A difference between Troward's teaching and that of Christian Science is that he does not deny the existence of a material world. On the contrary, he teaches that all physical existence is a concrete corresponding manifestation of the thought which gave it birth. One is a complement of the other. I once asked him how one could
to others the deep truths which he taught. "By being them," he
answered. "My motto is, 'Being, and not possessing, is the great joy of
living.'" When our lesson was given indoors, he always sat in a large morris chair, and, seeming not to be aware of my presence, he would think aloud. To follow his thought was like following a trusted guide through the most difficult places, the darkest and least explored regions of thought. As I followed, the personality of the man became obscure, and I was only conscious of the clear, commanding voice, and the light of the inward torch which he bore. It was beyond doubt quite natural that he who made so clear the true meaning of individuality should in his teaching betray little of the personal or emotional element. After I had been carefully guided to the most comforting conclusions, in the same quiet, unassuming manner as in the beginning of our mental journey, my guide would gently remind me that he had given me a few suggestions which I might follow if I felt inclined, but which were offered only in the friendly spirit of a fellow-traveler. He always tried to impress upon me that every effort to accomplish mental control (which, in turn, meant control of circumstances) should be undertaken with absolute confidence of success. The length of a lesson depended
my ability to absorb what he was telling me. If he were convinced if
fifteen or thirty minutes that I understood quite naturally the reason
why, for example, "If a thing is true." There is a way in which it is
true," that lesson was concluded. If it took me an hour or more to get
into the spirit of his thought, the lesson was prolonged. At the end of
a lesson he would Being a home-loving man, Troward delighted in his flower garden, and in the intimacy of his home, which he had provided with every comfort. He particularly enjoyed the seclusion of his studio and study, which were arranged to meet his personal needs and moods. His studio was in the most remote part of the house, and here he would spend hours of relaxation with canvas and paints. His study, however, was on the ground floor, and to it he would retire for meditation and research, usually in the early hours of the morning. He rarely worked at night. He had spent the greater part of
day he died sketching out of doors. When he did not join his family at
the dinner hour, Mrs. Troward went in search of him. She found him in
his studio, fully dressed, lying on the sofa in a state of physical
collapse. About an hour later he passed away. The doctor said that
death was caused by hemorrhage of the brain. I am sure that Troward
would Thomas Troward regarded death very much as he would regard traveling from one country to another. He remarked to me several times, that he was interested in the life beyond and was ready to go. His only concern seemed to be the sorrow that it would cause his wife and family. When the time came, his going was exactly what he would have wished it to be. I hope that these few intimate
will give to Troward's friends and admirers the information they desire
concerning him. I will add a more personal touch for you by presenting
herein one of his first letters to me with facsimile of his
handwriting. I think I had better write you a few lines with regard to your proposed studies with me as I should be sorry for you to be under any misapprehension and so to suffer any disappointment. I have studied the subject now
several years, and have a general acquaintance with the leading
features of most of the systems which unfortunately occupy attention in
many circles at the present time, such as Theosophy, the Tarot, the
Kabala, and the like, and I have no hesitation in saying that to the
best of my judgment all sorts and descriptions of so-called occult
study are in direct opposition to the real Life-giving Truth; and
therefore you must not expect any teaching on such lines as these. We
hear a great deal in these days You have expressed a very great
of confidence in my teaching, and if your confidence is such that you
wish, as you say, to put yourself entirely under my guidance I can only
accept it as a very serious responsibility, and should have to ask you
to exhibit that confidence by refusing to look into such so-called
"mysteries" as I would forbid you to look into. I am speaking from
experience; but the result will be that much of my teaching will appear
to be very simple, perhaps to some extent dogmatic, and you will say
you had heard much of it before. Faith in God, Prayer and Worship,
Approach to the Father through Christ -- all this is in a certain sense
familiar to you; and all I can hope to do is perhaps to throw a little
more light on these subjects, so that they become to you, Now if all this falls in with your own ideas, we shall, I am sure, be very glad to see you at Ruan Minor, and you will find that the residents there, though few, are very friendly and the neighbourhood is pretty. But on the other hand if you feel that you want some other sort of learning, do not mind saying so; only you will never find any substitute for Christ. I trust you will not mind my writing to you like this, but I don't want you to come all the way down to Cornwall and then be disappointed. With kind regards Yours sincerely, (Signed) T.
Troward "That which is free from limit,
restriction, or qualification." (Webster.) "An idea from which the
elements of time and space are entirely absent." (Troward.) Mind is absolute because of its self-reaction. Being Life, that unformed power of life which controls circumstances and conditions. Read Troward's "Bible Meaning and Bible Mystery," pages 77-79. Belief A certain quality in the
power of thought, which manifests on the external plane in exact
correspondence to the quality of belief entertained. If you believe
that your body is subject to disease, then the creative power of
thought of disease results in a diseased body. Read Troward's
"Edinburgh Lectures of Mental Science," page 14. The instrument through which
and feelings are expressed. The envelope of the soul. The instrument through and in
the action of the Universal Parent Mind expresses itself in specific
form as individual thoughts. Brain is not the mind, but the mind's
instrument. A State of consciousness which
altogether good, and a quality of feeling which manifests in physical
form. The most perfect spiritual concept. The outward effect which corresponds to the inward tendency of thought. Conception William James says "...denotes
the mental state nor what the mental state signifies, but the relation
between the two." "Bringing the mind into a
condition of
equilibrium which enables us to consciously direct the flow of spirit
to a definite, recognized purpose and then carefully to guard our
thoughts from inducing a flow in the opposite direction."- "Edinburgh
Lectures of Mental Science." Page 88. (Troward.) The result of mental tendencies.
Harmonious thought produces harmonious physical and material
conditions, which still further react to sweeten thought. Activity of mind which enables
it to
distinguish itself from the physical form in which it manifests. To bring into existence. Thought
creative, because it always brings into physical or objective existence
forms which correspond to itself. Absence of life. Loss of
consciousness, with no capacity to regain it. Example: If a thought has
been absolutely eliminated from the consciousness and cannot be
recalled, it is dead to you. "The divine promises and individual faith are correlations." Combine them, and there is no limit to what you can do through the creative power in this quality of thought." Essential thought. Therefore every call to have faith in God is a call to have faith in the power of your own thought about God." (Troward) A confident expectant attitude
mind. Such a mental attitude renders your mind receptive to the
creative action of the spirit of life. Have faith in the force of your
own thought. You have many times experienced what it will do. Jesus'
statement, "Have faith in God and nothing shall be impossible unto
you." is not a mere figure of speech; it is a scientific fact, simply
stated. Your individual thought is the specialized working of the
creative power of life. (All Life.) The Universal Infinite Mind. The
highest intelligence is that mind which understands itself as the
instrument through which the Intelligence which brought it into
existence operates. Universal Life and Universal Law are one. The law of your being (your life) is that you are made in the image of God (the Creative Power which brought you into existence) because you are God's very self specialized. The law of your life is that
your mind
is "the individualization of Universal Mind at the state of
self-evolution in which your mind attains the capacity for reasoning
from the seen to the unseen and thus penetrating behind the veil of
outward appearance. So because of the reproduction of the divine
creative faculty in yourself, your mental states or modes of thought
are bound to externalize themselves in your body and in your
circumstances." (Troward.) It is impossible to analyze the nature of Spirit (or Life), but we can realize that whatever else Spirit may be, it is a self-creating power which acts and reacts upon itself, reproducing itself in inconceivable forms from the cosmos to man. (Just as your mind acts and reacts upon itself when you are memorizing.) Origin of all visible things. As it is independent of time and space, it must be pure thought, the embodiment of stored consciousness. A self-acting and self-reacting non-physical creative power or force. Its action can only be thought because thought is the only conceivable non-physical action. Thought The specialized action of the original, creative Spirit or Mind. Truth That which lives in you is truth to you. Visualizing Inward or mental vision.
Life's creating power taking particular form. The act of producing in
your mind the picture of any contemplated idea. Your individual thought is the
specialized word or action of the originating mind-power itself. "The seed which gives rise to the thing." Plant your word-seed in the Subjective Mind of the universe, and you are sure to receive a corresponding thing, just as truly as poppy seed produces poppies. Faith gives substance to things unseen. (The unseen word or thought.) "Attaining Your Desires" by Genevieve Behrend Order in Adobe PDF eBook form for $4.95 or click here to order in printed form from Amazon.com |
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